Friday, May 05, 2006

I miss you

This weekend a couple of friends went to a wedding in the country side. They were staying in a fancy hotel-club. They were sitting in the lobby on the second day and this host comes and tells them that one of the guests had complained that they were induring on "inappropiate behavior". They were holding hands.
They are both men.
Everytime I hear things like these my heart sinks deeper.
Silly stupid people.
With their churches and their pride and their morals.

Everytime I hear stuff like these...
and I write this today because I´ve been thinking of you. I dreamed with you a couple of days ago.
and it reminds me of you because I am so full with anger and I know that you would have been outraged as well, but at the sight of me becoming the wounded elephant destroying everything on its path you would´ve put on one of your silly smiles and hug me and tell me about all the beatiful stuff that there is out there. And you would have cooked your famous strudel and said funny things and at the end of the evening you would´ve let me rest my head on your shoulder. And I would believe you. that there are beatiful things outside.
Silly boy.
How could you?
I am the one that keeps dreaming of you. And I also have to dream for the both of us, silly selfish boy, I´ve grown up, and you will always be a tall, dark, silly boy. The Jackal is about to finish engineering, baby sis is doing her master, my film has been screened...
Let me tell you about beatiful things.
How could I care about them if they were not enough to keep you here?
lay there, under the shadow of that tree, your eyes closed, I will keep writing.

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